Hey Musicians... Are You Twittering Yet?

I've been writing about Twitter for awhile here on my blog. It's an incredibly great tool you should add to your internet marketing arsenal, if you haven't done so already.
In simple terms, Twitter is a microblog of up to 140 characters. That means what you type is short and to the point. No long winded posts about why you think Myspace sucks or how to get a great gig. No, that is for your regular blog. Because your Tweets (as it's called) have to be short many people use it to link to sites, full blog posts, etc. There is so much you can do with it!
Yesterday I came across a really great blog post on Why Musicians Should Jump on the Twitter Bandwagon. They point out that Twitter is not just for techie geeks anymore. It's ideal for DIY musicians and I couldn't agree more! Check out the article for great ideas on how to use Twitter to promote you and your music.
Here are my Twitter pages:
http://twitter.com/madalynsklar - it's my blogger/social networks/music page
http://twitter.com/gogirlsmusic - this is my gogirls music page
Copyright © 2008 Madalyn Sklar, IndieMusicCoach

Madalyn is available for one-on-one consulting and coaching at affordable prices. Check out http://www.indiemusiccoach.com for more info.
Labels: twitter
Gotta love Twitter, connecting people 140 characters at a time. Great resource Madalyn. I truly believe in the power of Twitter and with a few tweaks and customizations, it is not the waste of time that the pessimists think it is. Here's to Tweeting!
Posted by
Anonymous |
3:27 PM
Twitter is a great tool for bands. I hope they develop a way for band members to relay their individual SMS tweets to some sort of central band "twitter-bot." That way the band can share Twittering responsibility and allow each member to tweet from the road to one central band Twitter account!
Posted by
Anonymous |
3:35 PM