by Madalyn Sklar
I love attending music conferences. There are so many good ones out there.
Hyperfest is one of my favorites and for only being around three years I find it worth taking note. It's in Albuquerque, NM where it's hot and dry. But aside from that it's FUN!
Executive Director Allison Shaw and Festival Director Jenny Gamble have a great vision of bringing together both great live music and fascinating music industry professionals to participate on panels. It's a win/win.
I was busy
Twittering at the Touring panel on Saturday. Here are some of the remarks...
"If you don't ask it won't happen" when trying to get opportunities says Ryan Cano of The Loyalty Firm
"Don't play too much in your own backyard." Tom Frouge, Globalquerque
"You have to get a street team everywhere." Jenny McPhee, TKO Booking
"Become friends with your audience." Chris J, Army of Freshmen
"The best bands are at the merch table talking to their fans." Jenny McPhee, TKO Booking

I moderated the Press Kits panel next which was made up of local print papers as well as a local DJ and my new techie friend Catfish. After that was the panel on 360 deals headed up by my friend, entertainment attorney Ken Abdo. A little later was the producers panel led by my friend Robert Case of New Pants Publishing. I had to miss it because I was off doing my Social Networks for Musicians Workshop, which rocked by the way!
And the music was great!! It was everywhere. All you had to do was walk from venue to venue.
Check out more on Hyperfest at
If you want to see all my pics from Hyperfest3 go to

Copyright © 2008 Madalyn Sklar, IndieMusicCoach

Madalyn Sklar is a music business coach & consultant, blogger, social networks expert and author. She founded IndieMusicCoach and has spent over 12 years working with a wide range of independent musicians all over the world. Her goal is to help indie artists achieve greater success in the music business by working smarter not harder. She is also the founder of, the oldest and largest online community of indie women musicians, with a vision of bringing together and empowering musicians from around the world.
Madalyn is available for one-on-one consulting and coaching at affordable prices. Check out for more info.
Labels: Albuquerque, conference, festival, hyperactive music, NM