How To Find A Manager For Your Band

I get asked this all the time by indie artists... "How do I find a manager?" or "Do you know any good managers?"
There is no simple answer to this to question because it really boils down to several things.
1. It's who you know baby
That's right. This is a relationship business so you have to get out there and network. I always suggest doing this at music conferences, events, workshops, etc. People know people. People like to help people they like. BE LIKEABLE! And just because you meet someone who runs a music organization promoting women in music (yeah that would be me) so you automatically think she can't help you I guarantee you she knows more influential people in the biz than you give her credit for. I can't tell you how many guy bands are afraid to chat with me because they automatically assume (keyword ASSume) I cannot do anything for them. Don't fall into that. Make it a goal to increase your music business contacts. Turn everything into an opportunity.
2. You think you rock? So does every other band!
What sets you apart from other artists and bands? Here's the thing. You don't just hire a manager. You can't just call up a good, reputable manager and say, "hey we are the bomb and you need to manage us." Sorry that is not how it works. It's like a label, the good ones will come to you. If you are generating a great buzz, selling lots of music (CDs, digital downloads, etc) and selling out your shows, they will hear about it and get in touch. The problem I see is everyone is impatient. They want their success and they want it now. They want a manager right now. They want a booking agent right now. Slow down! Focus on making incredibly great music. Focus on putting on a kickass show. Create a buzz. Network. Those are the keys.
Okay so back to finding a manager. A good one no doubt. Ask around. Ask your music business friends. Ask you musician friends. Read music business message boards. Attend music business social gathering and events. Bring business cards and CDs. NETWORK!
From there you build relationships. Nothing happens overnight. Don't get your hopes up too high. Just be realistic.
I found a few articles on this subject you may find helpful:
How to find a manager
How to Find a Manager, and What You Need to Know Before Contacting Management
TAXI articles on management
Send me your comments. I would love to hear what you have to say on this subject!
Copyright © 2008 Madalyn Sklar, IndieMusicCoach

Madalyn is available for one-on-one consulting and coaching at affordable prices. Check out for more info.
Labels: music business management