Why I Dig Stereofame

Here is a bit about Stereofame:
Sterofame.com is an online game of "Virtual Record Labels". The object of the game is to get as many points as you can so you can cash them in on great rewards.
Bands get points when a listener visits their profile or listens to a song, and can earn additional points each time their song gets a thumbs up vote.
Fans get into the game by listening to music and creating Record Labels.
Each Label earns points based on the popularity of each artist they've signed. When an artist or song gets a thumbs up it benefits the label. Also, Labels earn more points for being the first to sign a band, and extra points if an artist gets a lot of attention during a small period of time.
Check out my page at http://www.stereofame.com/gogirls and let me know what you think. I'ved been racking up points by signing artists to my "virtual label". I can then redeem points for cool prizes like gift cards, iPods, etc. For artists I think it's a great way to gain exposure for your music. And you too get points that can get redeemed for prizes. They have cool widgets you can post on your web sites too. It's worth checking out!
And to get you jump started, I've been authorized to get you 1000 bonus points just for signing up. Yeah cool I know! Just click here to get started.
Check it out and let me know what you think. I'd love your feedback!
Copyright © 2008 Madalyn Sklar, IndieMusicCoach

Madalyn is available for one-on-one consulting and coaching at affordable prices. Check out http://www.indiemusiccoach.com/ for more info.
Labels: social networks, Stereofame