This was an extremely informative panel!! I couldn't post live because I was so busy taking 3 pages of notes!!
Here's what I have to pass along...
Roy Elkins - Broadjam
Get your music on every site.
When you get placement, write up a paragraph on your homepage. Have your successes on your homepage.
This will help you on search engines.
When it comes to your music, quality is key.
Putting your music on myspace isn't enough. You need to participate.
The web provides things. Makes it easier to get into film/tv, etc.
Patrick Faucher - Nimbit
Have your own website not just a myspace.
Be consistent when it comes to your branding.
Myspace is NOT your space, it's Rupert's space!!
Realize you're a brand. You have to look at the business like you do the creative.
You're the best marketer you have.
Look for ways to market and monetize.
Justin Goldberg - indie911
Surprised more artists are not using Google ad words and ad sense.
Most artists are not marketers.
It's important to have a team you trust.
Other platforms and sites are huge in other countries. Important to have that outreach.
Lynn Grossman - Secret Road Management
Looks at Yahoo and iTunes for specific lyrics to find artists.
On the show House (she's the music supervisor), she gets script in advanced and does searches, looking for artists as well as those she knows.
Pay attention to the shows. Send them what they're looking for.
Who is your audience?
Consistency is important when branding. Use the same visuals.
Build a foundation. Stay close to fans.
Jill Sobule - songwriter (remember the song, "I Kissed A Girl")
Raised $82,000 in 53 days at
Keep up with your fans. Tell them what's going on.
I think it's great to have this connection (the Internet) with your fans.
That's all for now! Hope you enjoy this post. Give me your comments!!
Rock on,