"What is Twittering? You're always Twittering. Should I be Twittering?"

Let me answer your questions...
Okay many of you are saying, "What the heck is Twitter?" I understand. I was there too once upon a time. Twitter is a super cool way to stay in touch with your friends, fans, family and colleagues. It's being referred to as "microblogging" because you only get 140 characters. You make it short and to the point, letting people know what you are up to.
I have a personal Twitter for my sillier side that includes normal everyday life. Some may find it cool, some may find it boring. You decide. Then I have a business Twitter for GoGirls. I use it to update what we have going on. I also link to cool resources, articles, etc.
One of the coolest things about it is that I can easily Twitter from my iPhone. Earlier while sitting in traffic I wrote this on my personal page:
driving with the top down in sunny 87 degrees Sugar Land, TX!!
Does anyone care? I don't know. But it's fun to let your followers know what you're doing.
Another cool feature is being able to send photos on demand and do "live" blogging. I use Twitpic to email photos from my iPhone and it shows up as a link on my Twitter page. It's really cool because I can be at a show or music conference and send photos in real-time as it's happening. I love that!
"Should I be Twittering?" Well that is up to you. Some people say the don't want another thing to do online. But if people are interested in you and what you do, Twitter is a cool way to keep them in the loop.
Bottom line... I have FUN with this. You can too.
Here is a cute little video that explains it all called "Twitter in Plain English":
So there you have it. Try it out and see what you think. Then tell me what you think. I'll be awaiting your comment!
Rock on,
Madalyn Sklar
~providing one-on-one indie music consulting & coaching~