"Don't let what if stand in the way of what's next"

So think about this for a minute. We spend so much time worrying about "what if this" and "what if that". Why not tell yourself just do it so you can reap the benefit of "what's next".
If you keep holding yourself back because of fear or of the unknown, you will never reach your full potential. You and I have the power to be so much more than we are. It's is okay to be scared. It is okay to not know what will happen when you take that leap of faith. Wouldn't you rather get to what's next?
Yesterday I listed the 10 Secrets To Success in my blog. I think #1 is the most important - How You Think Is Everything. Stay positive. Stay motivated. Visualize success.
I spend a great deal of time coaching, motivating and consulting with indie musicians as well as music industry professionals. Need help? Need an ear? Want an explanation on why web 2.0 social networks (Myspace, Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, etc) are necessary for all of us in the music business - both musicians and businesses? Get in touch. Let's chat!
Copyright © 2008 Madalyn Sklar, IndieMusicCoach

Madalyn is available for one-on-one consulting and coaching at affordable prices. Check out http://www.indiemusiccoach.com/ for more info.
thanks doll! the epigram came from the time of katrina evac when i went to nola the day b4 she hit and helped shore up my sissy's house and then escaped with baby boy, sis, mother in law and dog out the back roads and up thru uncharted worlds to little rock where we waited it out. when our brains returned, it came to me, cos there was a whole lotta what if in the air. we just had to get on. glad you noticed it.
Posted by
Anonymous |
5:58 PM