ReverbNation is rockin' with new features!

If you are an indie artist, they provide really great marketing solutions that sets them apart from the dime-a-dozen companies out there trying to compete. You have probably seen their cool widgets on Myspace, Facebook and other social networks. I have and they rock!
Co-Founder and VP of Artist Development Lou Plaia sends out periodic emails detailing what is going on with this fast rising company. The latest update came out today and I want to share some of this information with you.
Combined, Artists at ReverbNation reach over 24,000,000 uniques per month via our website, widgets, and applications. Content deployed from ReverbNation (widgets and apps) is now present on approx. 1,100,000 unique urls, and is being displayed a total of 180,000,000 times per month.
Wow, this is impressive stuff!
Now here is what excites me the most. They have a new program called Fan Exclusive Songs. It allows you to give access to full-length streams or downloads to those who become registered fans.
So check this out:
Initial data suggests that Artists that have designated at least one song as 'Fan Exclusive' have been growing their list of registered fans at a rate that is 600% faster than Artists that are not.
That is awesome! If you are not taking advantage of something like this, you are missing out. I was just talking in my blog recently about The Indie Music Box and how you need to set yourself apart from what everyone else is doing. Well here you go! This is a great way to increase your fanbase.
Embrace technology! Take advantage of web 2.0!
In addition to my 12+ years in the music business I also ran my own web development firm. Yes, I'm a techie in the music biz! If you would like to learn more about how you can take advantage of new technologies, get in touch with me to schedule a phone chat.
Copyright © 2008 Madalyn Sklar, IndieMusicCoach

Madalyn is available for one-on-one consulting and coaching at affordable prices. Check out for more info.
Labels: ReverbNation, web 2.0
This is totally where Music is going , digital. The internet has opened up a HUGE avenue for Indies to get our music out there. The Mogul record labels are so behind the times. Good for us.. bad for them.
Thanks Madalyn! You so rock!
Posted by
TeamCar |
6:10 PM
You are SO right! I LOVE ReverbNation, I love how they continually find new ways to serve indie musicians, I love the ways they make my life easier.
Posted by
Anonymous |
6:13 PM
we love reverbnation!
Posted by
Anonymous |
6:42 PM
Hello Madalyn!
This is Peter Blue typing...
Just came across your comment on Dereks Blog. And found your's this way. I started to try Reverb nation 2 weeks ago and agree: A very cool site with the right tools.
Especially the fan reach widget is working well! For the first time I can see a reasonible way to grow my fan list!
Way cool!
Blue Star - Spiritual Electric Erotic Guitar
Peter Blue on Twitter
Posted by
sexyguitar |
9:09 AM
good to know about the fan exclusive tip. i'm new to reverbnation.
Posted by
Anonymous |
11:17 AM
I agree Madalyn
Reverbnation is quickly becoming the Apple of web 2.0 music platforms - the one music people in the know are recommending to their friends, and it's no surprise this is reflected in the data. Bands directing their fans helped build the early success of myspace, and I expect the same will benefit reverbnation.
I think artists can reflect on the benefits generated by providing a product or service of such unique value, suddenly everyone out there is saying . . . are you using reverbnation?
Posted by
Anonymous |
12:30 AM