Where Have All My Blog Posts Gone? Blame Twitter!

I know, I'm baffled. You're baffled. Where are my blog posts? I was blogging pretty regularly there for quite awhile - about 5 days a week. Well I'll tell ya. It's Twitter's fault!
Yes... Twitter.
See I stay on top of things via Twitter. I read posts and RT ("retweet") them. That's Twitter talk for reposting or resending someone else's info. Yeah I'm quite the queen of passing along good info. I do read lots of blogs too. I find some really juicy articles and Tweet them. I soon realized that rather than blogging about stuff I'm simply micro-blogging it on Twitter. This is, after all, what Twitter is all about. Who really wants to read a few paragraphs about what I think on a particular subject when it's easier to read my take in 140 characters or less?
I know, I need to rethink my motives and find a balance. I do love blogging and don't plan to give it up.
What do you think about blogging vs. tweeting? Are you blogging, tweeting or both? I'd love to hear your thoughts on this.
Pssst - be sure to check out my newest Twitter @sn4biz. I'm now offering social media consults to people outside the music business too!
Copyright © 2009 Madalyn Sklar

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