Posting Photos on Facebook Could Get You Evicted?

This is a great opportunity for me to remind you that, yes, the Internet is public domain. What you post online, especially on social networks such as Facebook and Myspace, can come back to bite you. So the next time you post your wild party photos, think about who can view them. I'm not saying don't use social networks but do keep in mind that there are ways to set privacy levels, controlling who sees what.
For Facebook I highly recommend reading, 10 Privacy Settings Every Facebook User Should Know. It details useful advice and will give you new insight.
Don't be paranoid, just be smart!
So a heads up to Facebook users (and social networks in general)... beware of what you post on your personal pages. Learn how to control what people see. But do share yourself with the world. Yes, people (friends and acquaintances) are interested in YOU! You may not think so, but they are. Why do you think reality shows are so popular?
On a separate note, how is your music page faring on Myspace and Facebook these days? I would love to hear your comments.
And I just posted a new video tutorial on how to add the Twitter application to your Facebook page.
Until next time...
Copyright © 2009 Madalyn Sklar, Social Networks for Musicians

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