GoGirls Interview with Sarah Montes

~ Annette Warner - Editor
What drives your music?
That music has the ability to evoke emotions and to touch lives; even if only for a moment. When the song I’m singing puts a smile on someone’s face or moves them for a particular reason; for me, that is the greatest joy.
When did you first know you had to do this thing called music or bust?
At 16 I was hired to sing with a casino act here in Las Vegas... the first night I performed; everything else went out the window and my life became all about the music.
What kind of advice would you offer up and coming artists that get discouraged other than don’t give up?
Be who you are and be original. Find the one thing that you do best; cultivate it and strive to continually do better... make your niche.
Describe your ideal venue.
I have performed Supper clubs to stadium arenas and I find both equally wonderful and comfortable.
Describe your music's evolvement since you first started performing?
I have run the gamete; singing and writing in every venue from Rock to Pop, Jazz, R&B to Country and finally settling back in to the Jazz arena. (It only took 20 years and 3,012 performances to figure out where I belonged. HA!)
Tell us about the inspiration for your release "Long as the day is !" What inspired the name and how has your music evolved since?
As I was writing new songs and adding them to my show, certain songs were very well received and repeatedly requested by the audiences. Those songs became Long As The Day Is. Long As The Day Is, was taken from a line in one of the songs from the CD and the rest of the story is on my CDs trivia card so you’ll have to listen to the lyrics on the CD or go to my website to find the answer. http://www.sarahmontes.com/
What do you think is number one for a musician to think about before preparing for a CD project - and do you have any tips on saving time in the studio?
Know what you expect to accomplish from recording your CD. Is it personal or commercial? If it’s commercial, I feel it’s important to have a business plan and course of action of what to do with your CD once you have it... distribution, marketing, budget etc. For years I have done an incredible amount of studio work across the country and the single most important thing you can do is to always be completely prepared; yourself, with your band, or if you are hiring studio musicians, have your music charted and a schedule set so that you maximize your studio time and dollars. If it’s not working out to your expectations, STOP... end the session and re-evaluate your position. It will save you time, dollars and heartache.
What makes or breaks a musician just starting out in your opinion?
Disappointment. One needs the ability to understand and work with the reality of the business of the music business and not let it undermine their self esteem.
Describe your toughest moment in your quest for a pro music career so far?
Turning down a major label deal; not once, but on two separate occasions. (In a contract; what one glorious line giveth…the fine print taketh away.)
Are you planning a tour and if so…where do you plan to take your music?
We are in the process of solidifying the material for the upcoming new CD release and the rest of my time is occupied with performances, writing and studio work but I am very much looking forward to performing again in the E.U.
What can your fans expect at a show?
My show has been advertised with the following... WARNING: Listeners will be subjected to refreshingly sassy Jazz; humor and quick whit that is lyrically engaging, songs that are musically expressive and well defined in character! Please listen responsibly by quenching your pallet with a savvy martini or soothing beverage of your particular fancy while also indulging in rich morsels of decadent chocolate.
On gogirls music...
I’m new to GoGirls but I am thrilled to see the camaraderie with in the GoGirls society and it’s great to have someone like Madalyn with her obvious enthusiasm and productivity as the driving force.
More about Sarah Montes at:

Labels: gogirls interview, Sarah Montes