Another Music Biz Domain Name? Are You Serious Madalyn?

I know, call me crazy...
But today is a special day. I am the proud owner of yet ANOTHER music business domain name. I have to say this is the first time I was approached to buy one. It wasn't my original idea like all the others. But the name is so good. I gave it some thought and came up with a bunch of ideas in my head of how I could turn this into yet another one of my great web sites. All to benefit indie artists of course. But do I really need another web site? Do I really need to start another side venture?
Sometimes I just can't help myself. I want to help independent artists succeed in the music business. Is that my downfall?
I am the classic entrepreneur. When I was younger I had no idea this was in me. But it's been going strong for well over 13 years now. I am always coming up with new ideas, many are innovating. I think part of that is the techie in me. What sets me apart from so many others is that I'm not afraid to try something and see if it works. If I fail, I fail and move on. I learn from it and move forward, not looking back.
Okay so back to, "do I really need another web site?" I think I need some help here from you, my readers. Your two cents on this subject. Many of my peers are focused on doing just one or two things. And they do it well. I seem to thrive on juggling 5-10 things at a time. Sometimes I think it's great but other times I think to myself I can't do it all! It becomes overwhelming. You know?
Here's a run down...
I run I do one-on-one coaching & consulting at IndieMusicCoach. I oversee everything at Social Networks for Musicians. I blog regularly right here. I host monthly music business teleseminars. I host a monthly local GoGirls MEET UP as well as showcase events here in Houston. I travel 1-2 times per month to music conferences and/or GoGirls events all over the country. I develop and write eBooks and eCourses. I send out twice weekly motivational text messages for musicians.
Wow, writing out what I do just gave me a headache. Seriously! I know I do a lot. But I love it. At the same time I really do wonder if I could be more effective doing less. Hmm.
I would love to hear your two cents. Feel free to post a comment.
Copyright © 2008 Madalyn Sklar, IndieMusicCoach

Madalyn is available for one-on-one consulting and coaching at affordable prices. Check out for more info.
Labels: music business
If you can provide quality content and not sacrifice on your core business (whatever that is, lol) I say go for it. In today's economy if you can find multiple streams and new rivers from which to teach and develop, you have to go for it.
But you cannot sacrifice what got you here in the 1st place!
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:41 AM
Hey, Madalyn...
I'm having the same problem. They just seem to keep growing by leaps and bounds. For me, it's the blog sites that keep proliferating, because I write on different nuances of the music business. I have the local music scene, which I support (my motto: Think globally, rock locally), I'm a performer so I write for my friends/fans, I write for the international indie audience on the technical/business/songwriting stuff they need to know. Maybe if you could delegate the stuff that is not dependent on your vast knowledge you could grow without your head exploding.
Best of luck from Dallas
Ryan Michael Galloway
Posted by
Ryan Michael Galloway |
11:06 AM
Hey Greg and Ryan,
Thanks for your comments. I really appreciate it! And I agree that you cannot sacrifice what got you here. For sure!!
Keep rockin'
Posted by
Madalyn Sklar |
11:24 AM