Madalyn's Myspace Tip

When it comes to Myspace promotion, I know my stuff. I have years of experience to prove it! See With that said I would like to share some information that you might find helpful.
Madalyn's Myspace Tip:
When it comes to adding friends, have a strategic plan. Don't just randomly add friends. Look for like artists and bands. If they enjoy the music of someone with a similar style, chances are they will like you. Be sure when you are adding friends to put in a note such as, I hope you enjoy my music! And once you get new friends take the time to get to know them. Respond to their messages and comments. You want to turn your new friends into fans and buyers.
I do like using and recommend Friend Blaster Pro. It allows me to be efficient which is the key. But don't think you can now do 400 friend requests per day because this program is going to zip right through it. Well it won't. Thanks for our friend CAPTCHA it's much slower but still better than doing it manually. And you want to stay under the Myspace radar so you don't get your account deleted. It's best to do no more than 275 per day. I typically do between 200-250 requests. Also I recommend not using the comments, messaging and bulletins features. Really just stick to friend adds. Using these other features can make you look like a spammer which is a sure way to get your account deleted. I recommend commenting, messaging and posting bulletins manually.
Please feel free to comment. I welcome your feedback!
Copyright © 2008 Madalyn Sklar, IndieMusicCoach
Madalyn Sklar is a music business coach, consultant and author. She founded IndieMusicCoach and has spent over 12 years working with a wide range of independent musicians all over the world - U.S., Canada, Ireland and Japan thus far. Her goal is to help indie artists achieve greater success in the music business by working smarter not harder. She is also the founder of, the oldest and largest online community of indie women musicians, with a vision of bringing together and empowering musicians from around the world.
Madalyn is available for one-on-one consulting and coaching at affordable prices. Check out for more info.
Labels: myspace
Hi, Madalyn, and thanks a lot for Great tip!
Myspace is a super way to do marketing..and I hope those who make those add-friend-programs will make a version for mac users, too.At the time Mac users like me must stick to the virtual windows os, to make it work..I haven´t tried it yet, but soon...soon :o)
Have a musical, inspiring great week end!!!
Posted by
Torgunn Flaten |
6:57 AM
Thanks for your comment!. There is an adder program for Mac users that I hear works well. It's called Spyder.
Hope this helps!
Rock on,
Posted by
Madalyn Sklar |
4:57 PM
I use Spyder and it works well, especially if you want to be picky about who you're sending messages and friend requests too. The best feature by far is the ability to avoid captchas, I think Spyder is the only program that works with MySpace's no more captcha's feature. You can check it out by following this link: Friend Blaster for Mac
Posted by
FriendAdder Master |
8:31 PM