Myspace Marketing Tips v.1.2
Lee Runchey of the Silver Media Group says:
"Whenever I leave a comment on a myspace page, I include my myspace flyer. It's a photo of me with a cat and a different way of saying thanks-for-the-add. As a result, people often recognize me when I'm out. They'll say 'Hey, you're Lee from Myspace' or 'Hi, I'm one of your Myspace friends.' This type of recognition has not only led to new business for my PR agency, but one night I even scored free drinks at a club."
Great advice, Lee! I find that personalizing as much as possible and using a really great photo with your image can do wonders. I too get recognized when I'm out traveling to music conferences because of my Myspace profile photo.
I hope you find this information useful. Please feel free to share your stories with me!

If you haven't done so already you can download my FREE Report on Myspace Marketing for Musicians at
To your music success,
Madalyn Sklar
~providing one-on-one indie music consulting & coaching~
Labels: myspace marketing