Let's Get Motivated!
Ready... Set... Go!
From time to time we think about all the great things we want for our music career. We want to sell a bunch of CDs, get radio airplay, make new fans, play bigger venues, etc. How do we get there? Start by setting realistic goals for your music career. Write it down. Put it where you can see it regularly. Now the tough part. Discipline! Most people lack it. You have to think long term and put in some effort to make things happen.
Action Tips:
* have a well thought out plan in place
* include goals that you will commit to achieving
* set a realistic timeframe
It sounds easy but will take some real work. Can you do it? Yes!
Rock on,
Madalyn Sklar
~providing one-on-one indie music consulting & coaching~
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Anonymous |
1:50 AM