Optimizing your band's web site

Today I will share a few pieces of information for you that can really help.
Your web site should have a TITLE tag embedded on every page. If not, you need to add it immediately.
What is a title? If you look at the very top of your browser you will see it. Here on this blog, the title is: Madalyn's Music Biz Blog - tips & resources for musicians - marketing, success, motivation, resources, promotions
The HTML code looks like this:
<title>Madalyn's Music Biz Blog - tips & resources for musicians - marketing, success, motivation, resources, promotions</title>
Make sure your TITLE has descriptive words that will help people find you when searching. If you are not sure what to put in go to Google and type in words you would use to find you. I know, it's simple.
Here's a great resource on this subject:
You also want to embed "keywords" and a "description" into the Meta Tags on your homepage.
I have found some good resources that explain exactly how to do this:
It never hurts to see what everyone else is doing. I suggest going to Google and look for your competition, friends, peers, etc. You can easily view their TITLE and META TAGS by right clicking on their page and viewing the source.
I hope you find this info useful in optimizing your web site. You can always Google and find much more on this subject.
Copyright © 2007 Madalyn Sklar, IndieMusicCoach
Madalyn Sklar is a music business coach, consultant and author. She founded IndieMusicCoach and has spent over 11 years working with a wide range of independent musicians all over the world - U.S., Canada and Japan thus far. Her goal is to help indie artists achieve greater success in the music business by working smarter not harder. She is also the founder of GoGirlsMusic.com, the oldest and largest online community of indie women musicians, with a vision of bringing together and empowering musicians from around the world.
Madalyn is available for one-on-one consulting and coaching at affordable prices. Check out http://www.indiemusiccoach.com/ for more info.
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