Making the most of your show

Most bands don’t mingle with the audience before or after their show. Why?? It’s the best time to connect with people whether it's your fans or soon-to-be fans. Why not stand at the door and greet people as they come in. What an impact that would make! No one does this so if you want to stand out and be different from all the other bands this is one way. After your set, walk around with your mailing list in one hand and some CDs in the other. Don’t be afraid to sell your CD and ask people to join your mailing list. Here's a fact I've watched over and over: some people are not going to walk over to the merch table. Some are afraid while some are distracted with friends and good beer. But if you go to them you have a much better chance of making the sale. And always offer to “sign” the CD. People LOVE that!
So what are you going to do to make the most of your next show?
Copyright © 2007 Madalyn Sklar, IndieMusicCoach
Madalyn Sklar is a music business coach, consultant and author. She founded IndieMusicCoach and has spent over 11 years working with a wide range of independent musicians all over the world - U.S., Canada and Japan thus far. Her goal is to help indie artists achieve greater success in the music business by working smarter not harder. She is also the founder of, the oldest and largest online community of indie women musicians, with a vision of bringing together and empowering musicians from around the world.
Madalyn is available for one-on-one consulting and coaching at affordable prices. Check out for more info.