Indie Band Manager for OSX Leopard... and your songs on iTunes FREE!
Upgrades are still $24.95 for LITE, $34.95 for PRO. Monthly installment plans are available for newcomers. Hey, I'm an indie too, I know what it's like. :-)
Special thanks to all the people who purchased, upgraded, called, or sent in fun emails the past few weeks. It's been the best month in Indie Band Manager history, I can't thank you enough for your encouragement and support.
Get Your Music on iTunes Free in November
Cool eh? I've teamed up with to get your music uploaded to iTunes for FREE during the month of November when you buy Indie Band Manager Pro.
Order Indie Band Manager Pro during the month of November and get your music uploaded to iTunes for free.
I've personally used TuneCore for two albums in the past year and I've been really impressed. In late May I uploaded an album with 15 songs and they were live on iTunes within 12 days... I'm not kidding. I can't guarantee it will work this quickly for you, but that was my experience with TuneCore as a customer and one of the main reasons I approached them to set up this offer.
I've also used their CD manufacturing service to get CDs made in low quantities... I usually order 50 at a time... and they look and sound great too. I've been impressed with them in general, and again, that's why I asked them to team up with me. Even if you don't buy PRO from me, check them out!
Hope this message finds you well and rocking... All the best. -Charlie