GoGirls Interview with Eleanor Kleiner of The Whispering Tree

What drives your music? When did you first know you had to do this thing called music or bust?
I think I'm driven mainly by the desire to communicate. I always knew I wanted to make music, I remember being four or five years old and making up songs and stories to go along with games I was playing. It was the most natural thing in the world, I think it is for most kids. I was just lucky enough to hold on to it and never have anyone (who matters) tell me that I couldn't do it.
Describe your music style and name three musicians you have been inspired by and why.
My musical style falls somewhere in the category of folk/rock. It's melodic and moody, a little on the dark side. It's hard to just pick three artists, but I would say The Beatles, Pink Floyd and Leonard Cohen have all been really inspiring to me. I grew up listening to the Beatles, they just wrote great songs and tapped into something that everyone recognizes and continues to celebrate. I've also been really inspired by Pink Floyd, they made such distinctive music and it evokes something really specific and awesome. I'm still discovering Leonard Cohen and I'm consistently blown away by his ability to see and communicate so clearly - there's something divine about that kind of talent.
What's your ideal venue atmosphere?
I like a place where people come to really listen. Being able to hear myself helps also...I'm pretty easy going.

I found my musical soul mate about five years ago and formed The Whispering Tree, which definitely helped me evolve as a performer and writer. Combining forces with someone who has a similar vision and who is so compatible has made everything flow so much easier. I think I have also moved out of my head a lot when it comes to performing, with every show it gets easier and easier to be in the moment on stage and to let go of my ego.
How would you describe the music scene in your area?
Bountiful. New York City is overflowing with talent, which is awesome. You can walk into an empty bar and stumble upon phenomenal talent and you can find so many amazing artists to work with.
What was the inspiration for your latest release?
The songs on this release span an amazing five year period of my life. There are songs from the earliest days of The Whispering Tree and there is a song that was completed a couple of weeks before the album was recorded, I think this makes every song really specific. There are songs about life, death, love, mystery, obsessive compulsive disorder, corrupt leaders, consumerism - all inspired by the life experiences that have led me to this point.
What do you think is number one for a musician to think about before preparing for a CD project and do you have any tips on saving time in the studio?
I think the most important thing is to make sure you're working with people that you are comfortable with, people who you can easily communicate ideas to and people who have a clear understanding of your vision.
What makes or breaks a musician just starting out in your opinion?
I don't think anyone can really make or break anyone else, its all about your own desire and willingness to succeed, or your lack of it.
Describe your toughest moments in your quest for a music career and tell us how you overcame them.
The biggest obstacle for me was a crippling stage fright which started after a fluke panic attack during a solo in seventh grade. For years afterward I was absolutely terrified of performing, to the point that my voice was audibly shaking and I could hardly sing. As horrifying as the prospect of performing was, for some reason I still wanted to be a performer. It was something I was deeply compelled to do, so at some point I really just said "f*%ck it" and decided to let myself be uncomfortable, let my voice shake and let my heart race and to do it anyway. And it got better and continues to get better, and I applaud myself for that every day.
What advice would you offer up and coming artists that get discouraged other than don't give up?
I would tell them to remember why they wanted to do this in the first place and to reconnect to that feeling. I would also tell them to celebrate all the success of fellow artists and to see their accomplishments as evidence that great things can happen, instead of falling into the "why them and not me" trap. And not to listen to people who like to complain about how 'hard' it is to be an artist. Being an artist is awesome, and would you really want to be anything else?
Tell us something you want the music world to know about you.
We're going on tour to Ohio in June, so come out and see us, we love meeting new people! Also, we would love to hook up with other artists to play shows with, feel free to get in touch.
What have you gotten out of being a member of the GoGirls community?
Some great opportunities and encouragement.
More about Eleanor and The Whispering Tree at:
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You can reach Madalyn at MadalynSklar.com or madalynsklar AT gmail.com