Interesting SocNet Observations...

As both an expert and avid fan of Social Networks I just have to throw in my two cents on these interesting tidbits. Oh and in case you forgot, SocNet stands for Social Networks. My Tech VP, Amy, at Social Networks for Musicians (my other company) coined that phrase and I'm sticking with it.
On 1-30-09 @waynesutton posted this on Twitter:
"A guy just said that a business would not hire someone if they did not have at least 7 recommendations on Linkedin."
Wow! Now that to me is amazing. Some companies are really harnessing the power of SocNets. I think it's great but at the same time is this going too far? What do you think? If you are not familiar with LinkedIn, check mine out here. Hmm, I guess I should ask my peers to send in more recommendations. I only have 5. Just like I always say... it doesn't work UNLESS you work it. And well, this is one I need to be working on more.
Okay next interesting tidbit...
Top Social Media Sites
(ranked by unique worldwide visitors November, 2008; comScore)
courtesy of
Blogger (222 million)
Facebook (200 million)
MySpace (126 million)
Wordpress (114 million)
Windows Live Spaces (87 million)
Yahoo Geocities (69 million)
Flickr (64 million)
hi5 (58 million)
Orkut (46 million)
Six Apart (46 million)
Baidu Space (40 million)
Friendster (31 million) (29 million) (24 million)
Bebo (24 million)
Scribd (23 million)
Lycos Tripod (23 million)
Tagged (22 million)
imeem (22 million)
Netlog (21 million)
Until I saw this article I had no idea that Blogger was ranked #1 in 2008. It really shows the power of blogging and how people are so actively engaged with reading and writing blogs. I've been using Blogger since 2000. Yeah that was before most people knew what a blog was! And next in line is Facebook with way more visitors than Myspace. We all know that Facebook has become quite the place to go and mingle with your friends. It's simple, clean design make it so much prettier to look at than personal Myspace pages with crazy wallpaper and funky color text. I do miss the days of plain Myspace pages. Although I do enjoy viewing super cool and professionally designed Myspace sites. When done right it is so appealing! And yes, it's imperative for bands to continue on and maintain a Myspace presence. See my post on Myspace vs Facebook? from several weeks ago.There is not one social network that is the end all, be all. You know? They each have their place. - Myspace, Facebook, Twitter, blogs, etc.
That that is my observation for today. I would love to hear yours! Post a comment and tell me all about it.
Copyright © 2009 Madalyn Sklar,

Madalyn's Sites:
Social Networks for Musicians
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Labels: blogger, Facebook, myspace, social networks, twitter