An Affordable Music Marketing Plan

There is a really cool blog post over at titled The $52.45 Music Marketing Plan written by David Rose. It's a great read and I'd like to throw out my two cents and add to what he discusses in the post.
Marketing your music is not so difficult. The hard part is wading through the massive resources and finding the right opportunities for you. That is why it's wise to read music business blogs like mine and Attend music events, conferences, seminars, panels, etc. Do what you can to learn more about the music biz and how to take advantage of everything that is out there.
David says and I couldn't agree more...
There are numerous solutions now available for marketing music at a minimal cost but keep in mind that none of them can offer a magic bullet for success in the music business.
When it comes to marketing your music I agree with David that Pandora and Last.FM are great radio resources. There is also XM Radio as well as tons of resources in the Indie Bible. And for "women in music" there is my favorite NetteRadio.
Again I totally agree here that Rumblefish and PumpAudio are two great resources worth checking out. Be sure to also check out Taxi's Film & TV Music FAQs. There are some great articles here worth a read.
I have a few suggestions that are worth checking out when it comes to gigs. David mentions Sonicbids but we now have OurStage offering *FREE* EPKs. They have a new area on their site called "Marketplace" with gig opportunities. It's worth investigating. Then there's ReverbNation's Gig Finder that is FREE. ReverbNation also has their own version of EPK called Reverb Press Kits or RPK. Brilliant! It's not free but has more features than a Sonicbids EPK.
David mentions Broadtexter but I'm a fan of using Mozes for mobile texting. For the last two years I've actually used Mozes to broadcast a twice weekly motivational text message that goes out to indie musicians and friends. You can check it out at Motivation for Musicians or text keyword motivate to 66937. Yes it's really that easy and yes it's free.
Here David mentions OurStage which I am a big fan of. I would add ReverbNation here because of their incredibly awesome FREE widgets that will help you create a buzz with your music on the Internet. Plus their Facebook applications are great.
So there you have it. A few extra resources to check out. I hope you find David's article useful as well as my added resources.
Send me your comments and feel free to add ones that are not listed here.
Copyright © 2008 Madalyn Sklar, IndieMusicCoach

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Labels: music marketing, ourstage, ReverbNation