The Power of a Music Community

As you probably know, I founded and run It is the oldest and largest online community of independent women in music. The only requirement is one female in a band.
Our mission is to "support, promote & empower our members". I think we do this well.
What makes GoGirls so great is the vast numbers of musicians looking to get empowered and feel part of something great. When people discover our community, they tell me how much they need it, how great to find a place where they can share and be involved, receive information, resources and not feel so alone.
Here's what some members of our community say about GoGirls:
click here for more GoGirls videos
Community is most beneficial when you take away the "me" attitude... the what's-in-it-for-me. In the music business there is so much of this. Where does it get you? Nowhere! But if you can step back from this attitude and step up you have so much more to gain. And what I mean by stepping up is getting involved, helping out, helping others, not expecting anything in return. You do it because you want to. Because you see the big picture. You see the success it can bring you. People like to help people they like. Are you likable?
Over the years I have set up GoGirls Chapters across the country and even in Europe. I can't run them so I over see them all. I can't make anyone step up. But what's great is we've had members of our community step up and volunteer. They see the bigger picture. They see how they can benefit from this, from their actions, from their kindness. By leading. By not being afraid, not being held back. They don't make excuses.
Side note: I hear excuses from musicians every day. I see petty actions. You have the power within you to succeed in the music business. But it takes a combination of things. One of them is stepping up to the plate and stop with the excuses.
Find communities that can benefit you, where you can step up and take part. Look at the bigger picture. Look beyond where you are at now. It's an amazing thing when you do this.
If you'd like to learn more about joining the GoGirls community, click here.
Copyright © 2008 Madalyn Sklar, IndieMusicCoach

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Labels: community, motivation