500,000 Hits in 365 Days for Singer/Songwriter Katie Reider
For over 10 years singer songwriter Katie Reider has inspired the hearts of thousands with her music and genuine personality. Just as she was reaching the peak of her career in January of 2006, a tumor developed in her upper left jaw that progressed into her sinus, skull base and left eye orbit. Over the course of one year (2007-2008), this rare tumor has taken away her sight in one eye, her voice and most importantly, her ability to perform.
500Kin365.org was created with the help of Katie Reider's loyal fans to reconnect Katie to her audience while she undergoes treatment.
Start listening to her songs by downloading katie's Voice (9 original songs written and performed by katie over the last 10 years) for $1.00 donation to her cause. Help us continue to spread Katie Reider's music over the next year by linking ONE more to 500Kin365.org.
I encourage everyone to take a minute and check out this site. It is well worth your time.
Rock on,
Madalyn Sklar
~providing one-on-one indie music consulting & coaching~
Wow...that took my breath away!
Posted by
kimo |
11:50 AM
Yeah it took my breath away too. That is why I wanted to share this with everyone!
Posted by
Madalyn Sklar |
6:09 PM