How to make the most of a music conference

Coming up next month is one of my favorites, the Dewey Beach Music Conference. There will be so many great opportunities to meet and network with lots of great industry people. But what do you need to do to prepare?
There are lots of things:
*Load up on business cards and CDs.
*Have pen/paper to take notes
*Bring flyers about your show & don't be afraid to pass them out
*Show up with a positive attitude
*SMILE - it will make a huge difference
I have two great resources available in the GoGirls Music Store that can help:

Earlier this year I hosted a Music Conference Panel featuring Allie Shaw (Hyperactive), Angie DeVore (Dfest) and Vikki Walls (Dewey Beach). They dished out lots of information and advice on music conferences. Including a Q&A session with the audience!
Check out this teleseminar call and learn how to make the most of a music conference!

Using Myspace to...
create a buzz @ a music conference
In this e-Booklet I'll show you how to use Myspace to get attention at a music conference! I talk about image & branding as well as useful tips before, during & after the conference.
I also provide Myspace page examples plus details on how to track friend requests. You'll learn valuable tools in this e-Booklet!
Rock on,
Madalyn Sklar
~providing one-on-one indie music consulting & coaching~
Labels: artists, bands, conference, dewey beach, indie, madalyn sklar, music