Check out Madalyn's new e-booklet!

Using Myspace to... create a buzz @ a music conference
by Madalyn Sklar with Georgia Moncrief
If you are looking for a great resource with practical information on creating your own buzz at Myspace, look no further. Madalyn Sklar provides concise information that will help anyone looking to capitalize on the ever growing Myspace phenomenon.
What's covered in this e-booklet:
* Image & Branding
* Myspace page examples
* Tips on what to do before, during and after a music conference
* Detailed example on how to track friend requests
What is an e-booklet?
It's an electronic booklet (PDF) you can download, read and print. It's not a book. It's a booklet! Just concise and to the point. No fluff!
Order your copy here!