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Thursday, August 03, 2006 


The only way to start to improve your life is to start.
Once you're sure you're on the right road there is no need to plan your journey too far ahead.
Don't burden yourself with doubts and fears as to the obstacles that may bar your progress.
You can only take one step at a time.

You don't need to know all the answers in advance.
Just maintain a clear idea of the goal you want to reach and the answers will come in their own time.

If you can get up the courage to begin,
you'll have the courage to succeed.
It's the job you never start that takes the longest to finish.
Go after what you want and you'll get it.

©2006 by Max Steingart

Madalyn’s Note:
These words are so true. Much of your success lies with you starting something. Just do it! I love that famous Nike quote. Why is it that so many people have a hard time just doing it? Is it fear of the unknown? Fear of failure? Or my favorite, fear of success. Yes, of success. Sometimes we are held back because we are not sure we can, should or want to succeed. Erase the doubts. Just do it. Get the courage and just do it. If you want it just do it. From there things will fall into place. But nothing and I mean NOTHING will happen until you just try and do it.

Why not now?

Rock on,
Madalyn Sklar
~providing one-on-one indie music consulting & coaching~



    Madalyn Sklar is a music business coach & consultant, blogger, social networks expert and author. She has spent over 15 years helping independent musicians and music business professionals achieve greater success. Her motto is: working smarter not harder. She also founded GoGirlsMusic.com, the oldest + largest online community of indie women musicians.

    Madalyn's Sites:
    * GoGirlsMusic.com
    * Social Networks for Musicians
    contact: madalynsklar(at)gmail.com


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