Something to think about today...
"The greatest achievement is to outperform yourself." -- Denis Waitley
I love this quote because we must always strive to do better in all aspects of our life. It feels good to win. It feels good to achieve more than expected. Doesn't it feel great to play an awesome show then sell out your CDs? Of course!
I hate it when people say, "why don't good things happen to me?" Well I say to them, "what you are doing to achieve your success?" You can't achieve it by sitting on your ass watching TV or spending your free time playing online video games. You have to get out there and make your successes happen. Rather than sitting in front of the TV, get out to some shows and meet other musicians. Instead of "playing" on the Internet, work it. Spend some time checking resources, meet new fans at, take some online classes at Berklee College of Music. There is a wealth of information out there!
I can say this stuff until I'm blue in the face. It's up to you. What are you going to do today to achieve great success with your music career?
Rock on,Madalyn Sklar
~providing one-on-one indie music consulting & coaching~