Resource to check out... Acoustic Live
The Acoustic Live Philosophy: "Over the years Acoustic Live has changed, or goals have become more defined. Our philosophy is centered on finding up and coming talent of all genres and connecting that talent to industry professionals that are looking for music. The talent series is a vehicle, a means to an end, and a lot of fun." ~ Seth Schwartz, founder.
Annual Talent Series: Once a year Acoustic Live holds its annual talent series, a songwriting competition / acoustic battle of the bands style event. Through a comprehensive submission process 42 artists are chosen by industry professionals to compete live at Acoustic Live showcases. Each night of the Acoustic Live showcases 5+ industry professional judges advance artists to the Acoustic Live finals, for a chance to win prizes provided by Acoustic Live sponsors.
The Acoustic Environment: The acoustic environment presents songwriting in its purest form, putting the focus on the music and performance. The intimate setting makes the smallest nuances significant, and levels the playing field between the solo artist and band.
CD Compilations: The first Acoustic Live compilation CD was produced for promotional use at the 2004 Acoustic Live. The compilation was well received and distributed to fans and industry at Acoustic Live. In 2005 Acoustic Live compilations will be presented by Notable Tracks and will expand to reach more industry and have a great presence at Acoustic Live events.
The Showcase Series: In late 2002 Acoustic Live extended its brand to a series of live "acoustic" showcases featuring artists that have participated or submitted to Acoustic Live. The live shows have become a popular series, featuring some of the best up and coming talent, both unsigned and signed. In the tradition of Acoustic Live, these shows remain free and all ages.
Acoustic Live Drop Boxes: Artists and bands can submit press kits/music to a variety of music industry professionals throughout the year at Acoustic Live events. Each drop box is accompanied with a 1-page description of the company along with pertinent information pertaining to their interests and needs. Submissions are delivered by Acoustic Live, &or A&R'd by Acoustic Live at the request of the respective company. Drop boxes are announced prior to Acoustic Live showcases.
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Rock on,
Madalyn Sklar
~providing one-on-one indie music consulting & coaching~
Thanx Madalyn!!! YOU ROCK MY SOX OFF!!!!
See u on Myspace.
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5:03 AM