Do You Really Think Being A Copycat Will Get You Far?
by Madalyn Sklar

Okay I'm going to jump onto my high horse and preach. Ready?
I was reading a music business blog today. It was interesting and filled with a lot of "How-To" advice. Hey, I'm all for that. Let's help indie artists. Let's give out sound advice.
But then these words stopped me in my tracks...
"See How Others Do It - Then Copy Them!"
Hmm, I must say I do not agree with that. Indie artists already have so much stacked against them. Let's see, how about everyone and their brother having a rock band too, the difficulties in getting booked great paying gigs, the economy. You know I could go on and on on the negative side of the business. I like to focus on the positive.
What can YOU do to be different? Why copy what everyone else does?
I preach this a lot whether it's here on the blog, during a coaching call, a teleseminar, a mastermind session and at my workshops and panels. I say this over and over.
Be Different!
Step Outside The Box!
Don't Do What Everyone Else Is Doing!
But hey, we all know it's way easier to copy others. It happens to me more than I care to discuss. But I can tell you this. If you come up with your own creative ideas you will stand out. I do say it's okay to check out what others are doing. No need to re-invent the wheel, that is for sure. But why not come up with a new take on something. Why not spend time brainstorming new ideas. Try something. See if it works. If it does, great! If not, it's okay. Failure is okay!
Let me say that again...
Failure is okay. It really is. You just get back up and try something new. Poof. Done!
So my tip for today is don't do what everyone else is doing. Be different. Be unique. Be you.
Copyright © 2008

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Labels: motivation
I respectfully disagree with your statements. Most indie-musicians are always saying they do not know where to find information online.
I have a page that does something similar to what you described which is called a "hyperlink" site. (drudgreport,huffingtonpost.,etc.).
This makes it easier on artists to get to pages like yours. Otherwise, they would have never heard of Madalyn's Music Blog either. By posting articles that are relevent to thier interests they now know how to reach you and others which gives your blog also more readers.
The reason I know about most blogs is because I've taken the time to research what most bands just don't have time to do. Most are not aware of the advantages of online promoting. That is where a site like mine steps in. A portal to reach other sites like yours, that display the necessary content.
If the political arena and others have that, why not the music business advice arena?
Amber Newman
The Music Industry Report
Posted by
Anonymous |
8:40 AM
Great post. The fact is that in being unique, you will chase a way a lot of people. But the people who choose to follow you will be real fans, and much more passionate. Be unique? Yes. If you have the stuff, be rabidly so!
Ryan Michael Galloway
Posted by
Ryan Michael Galloway |
10:16 AM
Hi Amber,
I appreciate your comments however you are missing my point completely. My advice for musicians is to be unique. There is nothing wrong with researching what others are doing but stand out and come up with your own take. I don't understand what this has to do with your post. It has nothing to do with indie musicians gathering info online especially from blogs like yours and mine. I think it's great you have researched music business blogs and put something together to help musicians. But what does this have to do with someone out there telling musicians to blatantly "copy" others?
Posted by
Madalyn Sklar |
11:40 AM
"We should have much peace if we would not busy ourselves with sayings and doings of others." -Thomas Kempis
If we "copied" what others are doing, we are not truly honoring the beautiful gift we were given of creativity.
Kelly Feeley
Posted by
Anonymous |
12:43 PM
I thought you were speaking of the blogs, but now I understand your statements. You are correct, musicians must maintain their own identities. So Sorry for the mix-up.
We are still cool either way.(lol)
Posted by
Anonymous |
3:27 PM
When we first started 3 Kisses, if I'd done exactly what all the bands around me were doing we'd still be in exactly the same place where we started. It is so important to be unique in your music, branding AND marketing. Jumping on the bandwagon that industry types proclaim to be the 'next big marketing vehicle' just lumps you with a bunch of other artists who are doing as they are told. It doesn't hurt to do these things, but if you're not branching out and finding unique ways to do things, you're not going to get very far. We wouldn't have gotten signed if I had followed a business model like this. Sorry for rambling, but Madalyn has been instrumental in moving 3 Kisses' career forward because her approach is different from many of the others in her line of business.
Tish Meeks
Posted by
Unknown |
4:29 PM
Thanks Amber. I figured you misunderstood what I was saying. I think your blog is awesome. Keep it up!!
Hey Ryan, thanks for your two cents as always!
Hey Kelly and Tish, thanks for sharing your thoughts!
Rock on,
Posted by
Madalyn Sklar |
7:27 PM