Do I Need These Social Network Sites?

Many people I talk to don't get Facebook. They don't understand Twitter and most haven't heard of Flickr. That's okay. I'm here to pass along information so it makes sense.
You can learn more about all these sites at I have a bunch of articles there that are helpful. And also on the homepage I have available the teleseminar I hosted the other night so you can listen and feel like you were there with us. It was very informative.
So people are always asking me, "do I need these social network sites?" I say "yes" and here's why...
The Internet has evolved tremendously in the last few years. As indie artists, social networks allow us to form a bond with people within a community. That community is a web site whether it's Myspace, Facebook or what have you. Interaction is done more often through your computer screen and even on your mobile device than in person it seems. With these networks you can form relationships with potential fans. Just by reaching out on your computer you can develop an army of not only fans and music buyers but true advocates. Who are advocates? Devoted fans who will turn on their friends to your music. Devoted fans who occupy their Myspace music player with your songs.
Of course you need to find a balance between your online time and your real world interaction.
Robin Brantley of the band Ruby Red says it best...
"I love MySpace as it gives us a chance to do the one-on-one thing with people as well as make new connects that I can then go out and meet that person and form a real working relationship. I fear though that a lot of people are not taking it that far, especially bands- they think the computer is enough. I know sooo many musicians here that are constantly asking me, 'So how did you get a meeting with them?' or 'How'd you get THAT gig?' But they never GO anywhere! Not to see other bands, to take anyone out for a nice lunch or whatever. They just stay home with their computer, typing their fingers off and not really supporting anyone else's deal or showing interest in anything other than what they are doing. Life really is a two way street like you said! So many people don't seem to get that one. It's changing so fast, too- you never know what the wind will bring tomorrow. But, I know I have built quite a following by balancing computer and face-to-face networking so I am going to keep working on it."
I know, there are TONS of music sites, social networks, yadda, yadda, yadda. So what do you do... give up on it? No! Check out sites. See what looks like a good fit for you, your music and your goals. I recommend that indie musicians use Myspace, Facebook, Twitter, Flickr and Blogger.
That's my two cents. Tell me what you think. Leave a comment.
Copyright © 2008 Madalyn Sklar, IndieMusicCoach

Madalyn is available for one-on-one consulting and coaching at affordable prices. Check out for more info.
Labels: blogger, Facebook, flickr, myspace, social networks, twitter
Thank you SO much for this, Madalyn! I'm just now starting to "get the point" re: MySpace. Haven't ventured into FaceBook yet. Understanding the balance with offline networking is a real eye-opener for me.
Glad I found your site!
Posted by
Carol |
5:29 PM