Something to think about today...
What are you good at? Making music? Performing? Selling cars? Managing others?
Are you stuck in a dead-end job doing something you dislike because you are afraid to do what you love? Many people are in this boat! Afraid of change and afraid of what others will think. It's time to get out of that mindset.
Are you at least trying to do what you love? I'm not saying go quit your job today. I'm saying think about where you are and where you would like to be.
If you do what you love will the money follow?
Well that depends on you, your dedication and your mindset. If you say, "I want to make money doing what I love NOW". Well I would say the odds are low that it will happen. How you think is very important. If you do what you love and are very good at it, it's only a matter time before the money comes in. What helps is keeping a positive attitude, being tenacious and not being afraid to ask for what you want. And don't forget to work at being an expert at what you love. Read every book you can. Attend workshops. Network. Don't think you "know it all" because honey you don't! But do visualize it. Work for it.
What do I do for a living is I'm a music business consultant/coach, promoter, and web site developer. And I love what I do! I love helping people. I'm very good at it. I like watching others achieve their goals. I love music! I love meeting musicians.
So what are you doing?
Rock on,
Madalyn Sklar
~providing one-on-one indie music consulting & coaching~