GoGirls Interview with Mary Sarah

What drives your music? When did you first know you had to do this thing called music or bust?
I have been singing like forever. When my piano teacher, Mr. Thomas Corley, used to teach me lessons, I would sing or hum the notes and he finally just said "why don't you just sing at the recital instead of play the piano". So I did and my first song was "The Yellow Rose Of Texas" and i got a standing ovation and I just got hooked. When I was on tour and did my solo's it felt amazing. I guess I just HAVE to perform! I told my parents then I wanted to "Be a voice for those who don't have one" - seriously I came up with them.
Describe your music style and name three musicians you have been inspired by and why.
Like the song says by Barbara Mandrell, "I'm a little bit country, and a little bit rock n roll" and I have to add a little bit pop too, i love doing covers of paramore and katy perry and Justin bieber. I SO want to do a duet with him one day. Carrie Underwood inspires me and i get compared to her a lot. She's an amazing vocalist, but I write too, and I get compared some to Miranda and Taylor.
What's your ideal venue atmosphere?
Duh, HUGE crowds. Our Kidzbop tour did arena's like the Target Center in Minneapolis. But I love acoustic shows too like at Dosey Doe.
Describe how your music career has evolved since you first started performing.
Hmmm. I started playing guitar a year ago and I love it. It helps with my song writing for sure. I've really worked on songwriting and learning how to sing in the studio. It's way different.
How would you describe the music scene in your area?
Really good! I can play and sing every weekend somewhere. I do all the Opry's and Town Square's that I want to do. It's really great. It's a lot harder in LA and Nashville.
What was the inspiration for your latest release?
I wanted to get my songs out there, my sister and I wrote most of them. They are stories about being a teen. So I guess, Taylor Swift kinda kicked the door open for us to do it!
What do you think is number one for a musician to think about before preparing for a CD project and do you have any tips on saving time in the studio?
Write, write and write! Also, keep your vocal "instrument", like my dad calls it, in shape! Know your lyrics - and I really realized that singing the song fully through really gets you "into" the song. Some producers like to cut and paste vocals, but I think that's not right.
What makes or breaks a musician just starting out in your opinion?
Hard work beats talent when talent won't work hard. My daddy tells me that all the time. So, hard work.

Getting the 'no's' that I'm too young. I know my vocals are right up there, but the industry doesn't like us young girls. It get's disappointing but it just makes me want to succeed more and work harder.
What advice would you offer up and coming artists that get discouraged other than don't give up?
When we were on the Dr. Phil show, like 2 years ago, he told us that talent always will win out if it doesn't give up. I just keep going like an energizer bunny!
Tell us something you want the music world to know about you.
I'm unstoppable, undeniable, uncontainable and unforgettable. Y'all are gonna wish one day you'd have signed me early! :-)
What have you gotten out of being a member of the GoGirls community?
Great connections and of course, my song being featured on the CD has been uber cool. I think it great for indie people to stick together and work to together and support one another, because nobody else will! I'm super thankful to be a member!
Check out more about Mary Sarah at:
Copyright © 2011 Madalyn Sklar/GoGirlsMusic.com

You can reach Madalyn at MadalynSklar.com or madalynsklar AT gmail.com

Labels: gogirls interview, Mary Sarah